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Holiday carry over and sickness

December 9th, 2015

I have been dealing with a couple of recent cases of dismissal on the grounds of capability, following an extended period of ill health and being absent from the workplace. After following a rigorous process of obtaining an occupational health report, meaningful consultation with the individual to… Read more >


November 18th, 2015

It’s anti bullying week, where organisations like @BulliesOut are campaigning to raise awareness that bullying is not acceptable in whatever form it takes. At CelticHR we are supporting @BulliesOut Anti-Bullying Workplace Charter this week for #AntiBullyingWeek Sign Up: Bullying is a very real problem for employers, CIPD research shows that 83… Read more >

Let your values shine through

August 24th, 2015

Values Based behavioural assessment – sounds a mouthful right?? But actually broken down is really very helpful in the effective management of people. So what is it? Just as an individual’s actions and behaviours are a reflection of their value set, which are developed early in life;… Read more >

Stress v’s Pressure

August 8th, 2015

Recently I have been involved in some very challenging situations, including a difficult coaching conversation,  a major restructuring exercise and a very serious disciplinary issue. All involved a level of employee stress. At some point or another, all of us will have experienced stress in the workplace,… Read more >

Bridging the Gap

July 20th, 2015

I recently had dinner with some old colleagues, we spent the evening regaling old stories of difficult cases, bad leaders, and toxic employees, and it struck me that when you have been managing leadership development programmes for as long as I have you often forget that it’s… Read more >


July 3rd, 2015

Welcome to my first ever blog! Full of anticipation of getting it wrong I am finding that I have lots of ideas for the blog but the ever constant worry of it’s relevance, interest and hopefully insightfulness is something I must stop to consider each time I… Read more >

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Why Transformations Fail

February 9th, 2018

In fact, research from McKinsey and Company shows that 70% of all transformations fail. But why? There are many reasons but are broadly categorised into management behaviour; employees resistance to change and the lack of necessary resources and budget. In greater detail transformations fail where: Management behaviour does… Read more >

Mental Toughness Coaching

May 23rd, 2017

Mental toughness is a personality trait which determines how we perform when faced with stressors, pressure and challenge, irrespective of the prevailing situation. There is a proven link between mental toughness and performance, positive behaviours and wellbeing. People with high levels of mental toughness achieve more, display… Read more >